

论文排版编辑器:latex LATAX !!!!开源论文排版软件资源汇总| WinEdt是一款Microsoft Windows平台下的文本编辑器。它主要是用来创建TeX(或者LaTeX)文档,但是同时也能处理HTML或者其他文本文档。它被很多TeX系统如MiKTeX,fpTeX和TeX Live用来当作输入前端。

Notepad++ (Windows)

Notepad++ is the go-to text editor for many Windows users looking for something better than Notepad. It handles most of the advanced features of the rest, like syntax highlighting, code folding, and macros, but unlike most of the other GUI-based text editors featured, Notepad++ is completely free and open source. It may not be as sexy off-the-bat as other GUI editors, but it's fully customizable, so you're only limited by your time and imagination. As for its chops as a text editor, it's huge following speaks for itself.

Emacs (All Platforms)

Primarily a text editor for serious programmers, Emacs (Editor MACroS) is popular for its built-in macros and powerful keyboard commands that make editing text documents—particularly code—a pleasure. The catch: You're not likely to fully appreciate Emacs until you spend some time getting to know it. The program has been ported to virtually every platform and has multiple incarnations, the most popular of which are probably GNU Emacs and XEmacs, both of which are free, cross platform, and open source.

UltraEdit (Windows)

Shareware application UltraEdit ($49.95) is user-friendly programming editor with support for syntax highlighting, code folding, macros, and tons of similar features available to most of the rest. UltraEdit focuses a good deal on web development platforms, with advanced features built-in for HTML, PHP, JavaScript, and much more.

TextMate (Mac OS X)

Powerful and attractive, TextMate ($63) came on the scene just a few years back and quickly gained a rabid following for its attractive interface, powerful macros, and downloadable and editable bundles. Windows users who'd love a little TextMate on their PC should check out E Text Editor, a text editor that directly apes TextMate and supports TextMate macro bundles.

Vim (All Platforms)

Much like Emacs, Vim (the child of the age-old Vi) is wildly popular for its keyboard macros and powerful set of tools for the serious programmer. Also like Emacs, Vim is available in several flavors. Apart from the original, there's gVim or gVim Portable for Windows and MacVim for the Mac. If you think you might be interested in what Vim has to offer but you're not ready to dive headfirst into an editor with such an advanced and sometimes obtuse feature-set, check out Cream.

TextPad (Windows)

The Windows-only TextPad (shareware, $32.50) is much like the rest. It has advanced features for programmers like syntax highlighting, code blocking, and macros, along with a clip library feature for storing persistent snippets of text. TextPad lovers also boast its searching prowess and ease-of-use.

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打造全能的文本编辑器序列文章| 第一篇 群雄并起——文本编辑器的武林大会|

FLABER, stands for FLAsh-based web BuildER. A pure Flash RIA (Rich Internet Application) using ActionScripts as backbone, PHP as server side scripting and XML as data storage. | About FLABER wiki|

8 useful WYSIWYG-HTML Editor|

Classic VB IDE An open source IDE for working with Visual Basic language.|半成品. WYMeditor: web-based XHTML editor| Xinha The Community-built Open Source Online HTML Editor| Zimplit is the easiest Content Management System (CMS) ever made. It is extremely lightweight, simple and customizable. Zimplit consists only one file. No database needed. With Zimplit you can edit any HTML/CSS page.| This is an open-source replacement for DreamWeaver. Enough said! (A windows/VB project) phpEditMe is a light-weight web-based editor for websites, documentation, and source code.| Garuda is an open source web editor coded in visual basic to provide a free alternative to Adobe Dreamweaver, complete with FTP, live preview and a small inter-office chat program to exchange thoughts and files fast.|

SourceEdit is a Beefy Text Editor for Programmers|


Best Text Editors