

Microsoft Visual SourceSafe(VSS)是微软出品(92年收购的一家小公司的产品Source Safe)的基于桌面的版本控制系统,VSS创建的虚拟文件库可支持Windows系统中所有格式的文件,供用户随时读取其中任何文件。在默认的Check out-Modify-Check in(独占工作模式)下,用户要编辑就必须先Check Out该文件获得独占的编辑权限,然后编辑后把它Check in回去释放权限。VSS也兼容Copy-Modify-Merge(并行工作模式)。

虽然在2005年9月推出的VSS2005大大增强了运行效率和系统稳定性,如拥有Web存取功能,但微软还是建议大型开发团队采用它的旗舰式的SCM产品-Team Foundation Server(作为Visual Studio Team System的一部份,基于服务器,更适合分布式高度并行开发),而VSS的目标用户是仅有轻量级SCM需求的个体程序员或者小型开发团队等。

VSS适用于以下场合:团队的规模较小,各个成员之间的地理距离比较近,通常在高度可靠的环境中通过高速、低延迟的局域网 (LAN) 工作,并且共享的开发资产不大可能超过4GB。

VSS只支持Windows平台,虽然Metrowerks曾经对VSS5.0提供Apple Macintosh兼容平台,但和Mainsoft宣称的Unix支持一样,目前都没有下文。


VSS的优点在于易用性和与其它微软产品的集成性。对于不注重多版本并行开发支持的中小型开发而言,VSS是够用的。VSS界面友好易用,通常与微软公司的Visual Studio产品同时发布并且高度集成,并作为MSDN订阅的一部份。

当然,和SVN(Subversion), CVS(Concurrent Versions System)等竞争软件相比,VSS的优点并不明显,Subversion和CVS不但易用,而且功能更多,用户更广,而且免费。(TortoiseSVN 用于 Windows,AnkhSVN用于与Visual Studio 集成)




值得注意的是,虽然”坚持自产自用”(eating their own dog food)是微软文化的一部份,但VSS却是个例外。微软内部使用的SCM(源码管理)工具是SLM,后为被更高级的Source Depot(修改版的 Perforce,基于命令行)取代。


Visual.SourceSafe.2005(8.0.50727.42): Visual.SourceSafe.2005(8.0.50727.42).7z.001|



Acorden SourceXT -

SourceXT is a web service gateway to Visual SourceSafe. It provides remote access to SourceSafe files over a standard Internet connection.

Bris SourceHelper -

SourceSafe add-on that extends VSS functionality. It enables you to specify actions and run them at any time, and to search the repository for information.

CheXpy -

CheXpy is a utility for that monitor and notifies on changes in Visual SourceSafe repositories.

Configuration Manager's Workbench -

A family of configuration management utilities providing extensions to SourceSafe. These extensions include change and problem tracking, task tracking, software inventory and release management.

CryptoMonkey CMNotify -

A single, simple server for email notifications from Visual SourceSafe.

DynamSoft SourceAnyWhere -

SourceAnyWhere is a VSS remote access solution. As an add-on tool of SourceSafe, it provides fast, reliable and secure remote access for users of SourceSafe 6.0 and SourceSafe 2005.

Free backup script for Visual Sourcesafe -

This free backup script (DOS) for Visual Sourcesafe creates seperate directories for each project and saves all files. Reports to file and, optionally, email.

SourceCompanion -

Provide email notification for changes in VSS, and synchronizing with VSS directly using email, batch synchronization, intelligent merge of redundant emails. Clients side is entirely integrated within Outlook and VSS.

SourceOffSite -

SourceOffSite lets you use SourceSafe remotely over any TCP/IP network.

SourceSafe Reporter -

Tools that lets you generate reports on projects, file, checkouts and users in XML, HTML and RTF formats.

SourceSafe Tools -

Fast file-diffs, remote code reviews, and whole-project analysis. Intergrations with Explorer and Visual Studio 6.0 and .NET.

Speed SQL IDE Pro -

Connecting MS SQL Server with MS Visual Source Safe and other Version Control Systems for Total SQL Source Control.

TSASG - SSAnalyzer -

A SourceSafe add-on tool that aims to reduce maintenance costs by identifying and correcting duplicated and near duplicated files, as well as inappropriately branched files.

Visual SourceVizor -

A SourceSafe add-on that provides E-mail notifications, reports on SourceSafe activity, control of working folders override and other functionality.

VSS Data Export Tool -

This is a tool to export the metadata of VSS files to a database like Access or SQL Server, for further analysis.

VSS Remoting -

Access remote SourceSafe databases through an internet connection. Integrations with Visual Studio, Macromedia Studio MX and Borland Delphi. -

Allows one to use Visual SourceSafe over the Internet by HTTP and .NET WinForms.

VssConnect -

Remote SourceSafe access using low bandwidth internet connections.


Visual SourceSafe简明培训教程
